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    常绿窗户清洁 & 家庭维修提供专业的外部清洁服务



    • 安全 - - - - - -莫斯, 藻类, 而且泥土会使行走的表面滑溜溜的,很危险, particularly here in the Northwest where longer damp winters exacerbate this problem. 压力清洗 和 soft washing eliminate this danger 和 homeowners can rest easy that they’ve done their part to protect their family 和 visitors from a preventable accident.
    • 资产保全- A clean home exterior is an indispensable component of asset preservation. Moss 和 other debris trap moisture on 屋顶 which can speed up the decay process 和 cause mold problems 和 leaking. Clogged gutters 和 downspout can also cause overflow, flooding, 和 serious damage.
    •  -干净的家居外观也很漂亮, a source of pride for the homeowner 和 a joy for neighbors 和 passersby to look at. 没有什么比看到一个保养良好、干净整洁的家更美好的了, 莫斯, 和 藻类 with clean 人行道 和 sparkling windows twinkling in the sunlight. As it turns out, exterior house cleaning is a great way to love thy neighbor  你自己.
    外墙清洗- 600 x400——房子.jpg


    我们的目标是 常绿窗户清洁 & 百老汇app 是给我们的顾客带来快乐, 工作人员, 和社区, 以诚信提供优质的服务.  我们提供 以萨夸的外部清洁 和海岸线. If you have any questions or you’d like to get a free quote, please don’t hesitate to 百老汇app 或者打电话给我们 206-232-1266.



    At 常绿窗户清洁 & 百老汇app, we offer residential 和 business 排水沟清理 to make sure your place always looks fresh 和 presentable. 
    If you are looking for a practical way to maintain your home’s appearance 和 functionality, 给我们的排水沟清洁公司打个电话. We will be happy to answer your 排水沟清理 questions or schedule our team to visit your home for a free quote. 
    我们是本地的: 海岸线WA排水沟清洁 | 贝尔维尤排水沟清洁 | 西雅图地沟清洁 | 柯克兰排水沟清洗 | 雷德蒙德排水沟清洗 | 锅炉排水沟清洁 | Lynwood排水沟清洗 | Issaquah排水沟清洗


    帮助我们的客户实现这些目标 & 家居维修服务提供以下房屋外清洁服务:


    我们有几个 清洁窗户的方法 取决于访问的类型和难度. 我们可以清洁天窗, 甲板栏杆玻璃, 风暴的窗户, 太阳能电池板, 是的, 我们可以擦内窗,也可以擦外窗. Evergreen not only cleans residential windows but also storefront 和 other commercial windows (typically five stories or under).


    如上所述, 定期清洗排水沟是必要的 以保护您的房屋和财产免受水的损害和洪水. 我们还清洁了落水管和我们在这个过程中制造的任何混乱. 作为附加服务, we can brush clean the outside of the gutters 和 facia boards which often get quite dirty 和 become an eyesore.


    压力清洗 清除车道上污垢和污垢的最佳方法通常是什么, 人行道, 天井, 和其他硬件. There are eight variables of pressure washing that make every job a little different. Every Evergreen tech is trained to manage these variables so that we deliver excellence in pressure washing without damaging anything.


    Routine roof maintenance is essential in the Northwest to keep it free of debris 和 to keep 莫斯 from growing on it. While we do perform 莫斯 removal on 屋顶, it’s best to keep your roof from ever needing one. 这意味着使用吹叶机来清除松散的碎片, 清理排水沟和落水管(这包括在每个 屋顶清洁服务),并进行苔藓处理,以防止苔藓和藻类侵入.


    大多数脏房子的外部都需要 软洗代替压力洗涤. 从阴沟面到地面, our techs have the tools 和 training to wash your house without doing damage to the siding. 阅读更多百老汇app 房屋清洗服务.

    了解更多: 无压屋顶清洗Vs低压屋顶清洗


    We can also soft wash just about anything else that needs a gentler approach to pressure washing. A few of the surfaces that require soft washing are painted 和 stained wood, 甲板, 栅栏, 屋顶, s和-set铺路石, 柏油路驱动器, Trex和其他复合甲板, 大多数石板.


    Damp overcast weather is the perfect breeding ground for 莫斯 growth 和 we have 更多的 than our fair share of both in the Northwest. When it comes to 屋顶 that haven’t been routinely cleaned 和 treated (see our Option A), 清除屋顶苔藓 成为必要. It is always our goal to use the softest approach possible while bearing in mind the end-goal 和 budgetary requirements of each customer.



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